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Join date: Jun 3, 2022
Safe Express is a Public-Key Encryption and Antispam email client. It is developed in Java and has a user friendly interface with customizable features. Safe Express supports Multi-Accounts and Multi-Users. Safe Express is available in three different languages namely English, French and Chinese (Simplified).Safe Express Features:Automatically classifies incoming emails and delivers them to spam mailbox or your inbox based on rules you set.Automatically delete all non-recepied or old email messagesAUTOMATIC ENCRYPTION3rd party application such as Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail is automatically upgraded to SPAM and is hidden from your mail clientRECOVER DELETED MESSAGESSafe Express is able to recover any messages that have been deleted from your mailboxAUTOMATIC MESSAGE CLASSIFICATIONHelps you classify incoming emails into spam and non-spam messages and present them to you as suchUNLIMITED EMAIL ACCOUNTSSafe Express supports multiple email accountsUNLIMITED MESSAGE ATTACHMENTSSafe Express will automatically search for and download attachments from all incoming messagesMULTI-USER SUPPORTMultiple users can be created within one of your email accounts using Safe Express. Safe Express will support up to 10 users per accountEASY TO USEThe user interface of Safe Express is very simple and easy to useGREAT COMMUNICATIONSafe Express supports drag & drop attachment feature as well as drag & drop attachment function from desktopSafe Express Features List:+ Automatically classifies incoming emails and delivers them to spam mailbox or your inbox based on rules you set.+ Automatically delete all non-recepied or old email messages+ Automatic encryption to prevent interception by external parties+ Automatic decoding to prevent spoofing/malicious use+ SafeExpress will hide Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail applications in your email client.+ It also supports drag and drop attachments from desktop to email or vice versa.+ 3rd party application such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo can be automatically upgraded to SPAM and is hidden from your mail client+ SafeExpress will automatically recover messages which have been deleted from your email account+ Safe Express can encrypt and decrypt email communications to send mail via the Internet+ Safe Express can automatically classify incoming emails as spam 08929e5ed8
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